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“What you seek is seeking you”

Fraser Adam
1 min read
Doing something to help another always feels good....
LOCAL CLIMBING KILIMANJARO Raising money for Cancer Research UK taking on the...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Today's Thought... Achieving Amazing Things:)
You are capable of achieving amazing things in your life, and you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Don't let fear or doubt hold you...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Believe You Can Do It!!
We allow ourselves to think sometimes we can't do something, if we continue say "no I can't", "no I can't"; eventually it will be lodged...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Fitting in......
Fitting in whether its a new opportunity or joining a new group or organisation, cognitively we automatically recall a past event where...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Love this quote, and so true for so many of us, making change seems hard, but making clear pathways with step by step goals makes it...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Optimism behind Change
Change is something which some humans find naturally challenging and daunting, mindfully we should look at change being positive and be...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Be Kind
We all have days we want to curl up and hide away, its normal and being mindful of this can be hard to accept and the best thing to do is...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Eating Healthy help's Our Wellbeing
Whilst we all adjust to the changes in weather, and Autumn in the UK quickly comes upon us we need to be mindful in daylight reducing and...
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Fraser Adam
1 min read
Remind those around you they are not alone.
"You are never too old for a hug", remind those around you and those you love they are not alone, it will cheer them up and make you feel...
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